White Sands Quay progress

Kemsley Down station.

The baseboard structure is now mainly complete

I took a few days off to concentrate on moving the White Sands Quay project forward. This is a 4mm scale 9mm gauge railway based in Cornwall and originally from a plan by the late Reinier Hendrickson.

White Sans Quay track planning on pink foam.

I wanted to build a self-contained but light exhibition display for White Sands Quay as I very much enjoy the speed with which both Loxley Barton Falls. and Withywindle Mill. can be set up and taken down. At the end of a long exhibition, the last thing you want is an hour or two of breakdown.

I have built a light wooden frame with 3mm MDF carcass in a square S shape with the smaller return being the hidden fiddle yard and stock shelves. A lightbox containing the all-important lighting rig (vital for good presentation at an exhibition) will be added to the top giving more strength.

Whilst this construction method will not take much abuse I am not expecting to be in any situations where it needs to! ​“Fight breaks out at Narrow Gauge Exhibition — layout destroyed” are not likely headlines. (Famous last words…) the base of the scenic is pink insulation foam and one this is fixed in place will also add to the strength and lightness of the carcass.

White Sands Quay baseboard consrtuction.

In the past, other layout builders have used rodding cut into the surface of the foam, which makes repairs difficult, but I have sunk a 3mm MDF track bed into the top of the foam and will excavate holes underneath so that I can attach point motors and wiring allowing plenty of access.

By Simon Cox | | Modelling

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