Medmenham walk
Sunday circular walk by the Thames
We have been looking forward to getting back into doing Sundays walks after Christmas and today we completed our first one of the year. It was a circular walk starting and ending at the Dog and Badger in the village of Medmenham.
As soon as we arrived at the pub and start point we went and booked a table for when we had finished the walk — always a good idea a we didn’t know how busy it got. The walk was only 3.5 miles but we gave ourselves two hours to complete it anyway. Booted up, hats and scarves on we crossed the main road and walked down through the village, some very nice houses — one with field guns in the front garden. Further down we passed the old Abbey which is now private residences, we are led to believe, where an Ocado van was delivering. A far cry from its days as the infamous meeting place of the Hell-fire Club a few centuries past.
At the end of the road is the ferry slipway where we meet the majestic river Thames. Here we turned right and followed the river. Wildlife was limited to ducks hanging out at the ferry, a few swans taking it easy and a lot of geese wandering around making a fuss. There were a lot of Geese droppings on the grassy banks which made walking slow. There was quite a bit of flood water slightly inland from the river but this didn’t stop progress and was fully iced over.
After a mile or so we turned right having progressed as far as you can along the bank and headed inland. The path gets a bit lost at this point since the farmer has ploughed up the fields but we finally realised where the footpath was meant to be and started our long trudge back through several fields of mud to Medmenham (now know as Mudmenham to us). After a change of foot ware we took our table in the pub and had a delicious Sunday roast with sticky toffee pudding to follow. Bliss.
Medmenham walk Gallery
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